Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My Oh My...Goodness Gracious Me!

In less than 24 hours, the Domestic Trade & Consumer Affairs Minister "flipped, then flopped". It was only a day ago the same Minister said that the price of fuel will remain at least until March 2009 as it is unreasonable to review the prices further.

"Of course, if the price of the international market exceeds US$ 200 per barrel, then we also give up lah", he said.

Although we should remind ourselves again and again that the higher the price of oil, the better it is for our country's coffers, it was nevertheless a welcoming relief for Malaysians.

At least that was what Malaysians thought...until the bombshell was dropped today ( barely 24 hours later). The same Minister is now claiming that petrol price is going to be reviewed monthly.

It started off with a quarterly review (so say the Prime Minister), then it was no hike till March 2009 (yesterday) and now monthly review. What's next? When will this "marry-go-round" or "hide n seek" between the Government and public end?

Perhaps, the Minister got a tick off from the Prime Minister's Office reminding him that his statement has strayed from the RM 0.30 per litre subsidy policy. Can't help but wonder whether they may also be avid readers of malaysianetwork as this was the subject of our article yesterday.

For a person holding such high profile public office and an elected representative, the sudden u-turn is nothing but shocking and outrageous! Let's be reminded that it is this same Minister that gave Malaysians the anticipation that fuel price will be increased in August but the increase happened the same midnight as the announcement itself.

How, can anyone teach us how can we have the slightest trust in his statements in the future? Its simply a case of crying wolf too many times. Even kids get turned off if you deceive him too often. These reactions are natural and Malaysians should not be blamed for feeling uncertain, insecure and agitated when our leaders do not uphold even the most basic credibility and conscience.

You are our elected leader for goodness sake!
You are entrusted to be our custodian for goodness sake!

Malaysians ought to be treated with respect like adults!
We are not kids that could be pacified with a pacifier!

Besides Mr Zaid Ibrahim, a fair number of people supported the PM's move to appoint Mr Shahrir Samad as a Cabinet member. Viewed as one of the few remaining moderate and "dissident" voice within the ruling party that has the courage to speak up, Mr Shahrir's appointment gave us a spark of hope to bring forth change in the administration. It was like a beacon of hope.

However, as with the manifesto of the ruling party to bring "peace, safety and prosperity" to Malaysia, all hopes have now evaporated. Malaysians could only hope for the best, come what may.

Nothing is ever going to be certain anymore...not even the assurances given by the very people we entrust to care for our welfare. Not until our leaders learn to be accountable and know the significance of their statements to the people.

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